Prof. Dr. Thomas Filk


Prof. Dr. Thomas Filk studied physics in Bonn. After he finished his PhD in 1982 he was a fellow of the “Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science” at the University of Tokyo. Since 1992, he has taught physics at the university of Freiburg, where he is an associate professor and coordinator of studies in theoretical physics today. He is the author, translator, and editor of several scientific books. Since 2004 he has been a scientific associate at the Parmenides Center for the Study of Thinking. His scientific interests comprise “learning behaviour or neural networks”, “application of quantum structures to social and cognitive sciences”, “didactics of physics”, and “foundations of physics – in particular quantum theory and relativity”.


Selected Publications

Filk, 2019, Quantenmechanik (nicht nur) für Lehramtsstudierende, Springer.

Filk, 2019, Quantum and Quantum-like – An Introduction to Quantum Theory and its Applications in Cognitive and Social Sciences; Institute of Advance Studies, Kőszeg.

Atmanspacher, Filk, Pothos, 2016, Quantum Interaction, Springer.

von Müller, Filk, 2015, Re-Thinking Time at the Interface of Physics and Philosophy, Springer.

Penrose, übers. Filk, 2011, Zyklen der Zeit, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

Du Sautoy, übers. Filk, 2004, Die Musik der Primzahlen, C.H. Beck.

Giulini, Filk, 2004, Am Anfang war die Ewigkeit : auf der Suche nach dem Ursprung der Zeit, Beck.

Rees, übers. Filk, 2003, Das Rätsel des Universums, C.H. Beck.

Smolin, übers. Filk, 1999, Warum gibt es die Welt, C.H. Beck.

Römer, Filk, 1994, Statistische Mechanik, VCH