Dr. Michael Dürr-Specht
Chief Medical Officer of Parmenides Foundation
Dr. Michael Duerr Specht is board certified in internal medicine, pediatrics and emergency medicine. Dr. Duerr Specht is assistant professor of emergency medicine at Campbell University School of Medicine and attending physician in emergency medicine at the Southeastern Regional Medical Center in Lumberton, NC. Since 1998 he has been actively engaged in projects with the Parmenides Foundation related to management of large complex data sets as well as medical reasoning and is currently leading the development of StrokePad, a tablet-based application designed to streamline pre-hospital data acquisition and decision making. His main areas of research are the visualization of complex medical constellations with particular emphasis on rare diseases, the optimisation of structured clinical data entry and the improvement of the handoff process in patient care. Since 2008, Dr. Duerr Specht has been a member of the European Society of Emergency Medicine where he serves as member of the Processes SIG as well as a lecturer at their annual conferences in emergency medicine.
Selected Publications
M. Duerr Specht: Rapid fire presentation Medicine 2.0, London 2013: “StrokePad: An iPad Application Designed for Documentation of Out-of-Hospital Emergency Medical Care”
J. Tintinalli, M. Duerr Specht, U. Rodoplu, T. Kole, R. Arafat, S. Kayden: Roundtable discussion. Excellence in Emergency Medicine: Global Connections. Research discussion EuSEM, Amsterdam, 2014
M. Duerr-Specht, R. Goebel, A. Holzinger: Medicine and Health Care as a Data Problem: Will Computers Become Better Medical Doctors? In: Holzinger, A., Roecker, C. & Ziefle, M. (eds.) Smart Health, State-of-the-Art SOTA Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 8700. Heidelberg, Berlin, New York: Springer, pp. 21-40 (2015).
M. Duerr Specht: Navigating the Data Jungle: Smart Concepts for Emergency Medicine. EuSEM Conference Torino Italy (2015)
M. Duerr Specht: How to Improve Working Conditions for Emergency Physicians. EuSEM Conference Torino Italy (2015)
M. Duerr Specht: It’s time to embrace TXA for traumatic bleeds. EP Monthly (2016).